
主页 > 热闻 > 猪市行情 > 行情点评 > 美国生猪现货继续上涨


作者:康大夫来源:猪e网时间:2013-05-28 11:28点击:


  US Cash Hogs Continue to Push Higher


  The relentless push to higher cash hogs continues. Last week National lean hogs moved 3¢/lb. higher a further jump of $6.00 per head week over week.


  US Cash hogs are now $24.00 per head higher than a year ago. The average farrow to finish producer has gone from losing $35 per head six weeks ago to break even or better. The sucking sound of producer equity drain has stopped. It’s not good breaking even but it’s a lot better than an industry going backwards. $80 million a week as it was in March.


  Hog numbers we sense are tight. Average National hog weights are 3.5 lbs. lighter than a year ago. It is estimated Packer Margins are minus $12 per head, (does not include Packer margin on processing and exports).


  It’s not a good time to be a Packer. They are paying more for hogs because they have to in order to maintain market share and pork orders. Packers don’t deliberately lose money or partake in acts of charity. They are paying more because they have to.


  We continue to believe that the combination of seasonality of hog supply coupled with the liquidation of the breeding herd that happened beginning last July is continuing to fuel hog prices higher. Last week there were individual lots of lean hogs over $1.00 lean per lb. We expect lean hogs will push higher as the reality of lesser supply happens week upon week.




