
主页 > 热闻 > 行业会讯 > 会讯 > 李曼中国养猪大会中英文版最新日程上线,你最期待哪一个?


作者:李曼养猪大会来源:猪e网原创时间:2023-10-08 10:18点击:



博览会开始, 现场报到, 墙报布置

会前论坛  8:30am-noon

1. 新一代养猪兽医研讨会暨莫瑞森科学实践奖(牧原食品赞助)多功能C楼)



2. 猪传染病传播及防控论坛(勃林格殷格翰支持)201楼)


9:00am - 伪狂犬的净化, 夏德利,牧原食品有限公司

9:30am 塞内卡与口蹄疫比较分析, 张克山,佛山科学技术学院

10:00am - 休息

10:30am - 新建猪场繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒净化案例分享,李超斯,勃林格殷格翰

11:00am - 规模猪场蓝耳病疫苗接种情况、影响因素与田间评价李树博,辽宁省农业发展服务中

11:30am - 问答

3. 饲料管理论坛(礼蓝动保支持)203楼)

主持人:刘岭, 吴方舟

9:00am - 会养猪的营养师,吴方舟,派普斯通

9:30am - 提高饲料蛋白质利用率的技术与应用, 刘岭,中国农业大学

10:00am - 休息

10:30am - 非粮型饲料资源挖掘与高效利用技术,单安山,东北农业大学

11:00am - 脂肪酸平衡及对母仔猪的影响, 王志祥,河南农业大学

11:30am - 问答


主持人:汤姆·佩茨尼克, 曲向阳

9:00am 场长与兽医应该懂得的环境控制关键点, 曲向阳,博维特

9:30am - 产出和仔猪断奶时健康的重要性, 汤姆·佩茨尼克,  ArkCare 

10:00am - 休息

10:30am - 蓝耳病和猪流感在猪场的防控思路及免疫策略, 路伟,华威特

11:00am - 四色管理与精准剔除技术在公猪站健康管理上的应用, 张丙周,京基智农

11:30am - 问答

5. 李曼猪业领袖峰会 (凭邀请参会)(多功能 D,二楼)



· 消费者教育与市场

· 成本控制的局限性

· 维持与扩展对猪肉的需求

会前论坛  1:30pm-5:00pm

6. 猪的死亡率(硕腾中国支持)(多功能C,二楼)

主持人:约翰·迪恩, 赵云翔

1:30pm - 什么原因引起的母猪死亡率增加?  约翰.迪恩,明尼苏达大学

2:00pm - 提升母猪利用年限的产业价值和六要素体系,赵云翔广西大学

2:30pm - 猪圆环病毒和肺炎支原体有效防控的经济价值和田间应用,胡群山,硕腾中国

3:00pm - 休息

3:30pm - 猪的新发疾病,朱稳森,北京恩睿康

4:00pm - 死亡率的经济学-了解有助于改善死亡率的决策工具,李·舒尔茨,爱荷华州立大学

4:30pm - 问答 

7. 养猪营养论坛(帝斯曼-芬美意赞助)(201,二楼)

主持人:王军军, 约翰·佩申斯

1:30pm - 立即提高断奶后仔猪的采食量的猪场实践策略,约翰·佩申斯,爱荷华州立大学

2:00pm - 仔猪肠道炎症发生发展及营养干预,王军军,中国农业大学

2:30pm - 动态配方体系建设及实践,张志博,帝斯曼-芬美意

3:00pm - 休息

3:30pm - 生长育肥猪的关键营养和饲喂, 张永刚, 环山集团

4:00pm - 落地执行母猪饲喂程序助力农场增效降本, 鲁宁,PIC (中国)

4:30pm - 问答

8. 多层养猪场的管理实践论坛(203,二楼)

主持人:王海峰, 伍少钦

1:30pm - 牧原养猪智能化探索与应用,胡义勇,牧原食品

2:00pm -楼房猪场与平层猪场母猪死亡率原因的比较, 伍少钦, 京基智农

2:30pm - 利用楼房特点,合理布局集团养猪生产, 王海峰, 江苏立华

3:00pm - 休息

3:30pm - 精准营养技术在楼房养殖模式的应用实践,杨宽民,京基智农

4:00pm - 扬翔智慧楼房猪场的疾病防控实践, 张伟超, 广西扬翔股份有限公司

4:30pm - 问答

9. 猪业人才战略与培训论坛(204,二楼)

主持人:吉崇星, 杨振

1:30pm - 集约化养猪企业人才培养模式探讨,吉崇星, 新希望六和

2:00pm - 基于专业能力的猪兽医人才培养实践,杨振, 南京农业大学

2:30pm - 调查猪场中高管理者对于培训的意见,赵毅博, 丹俄国际

3:00pm - 休息

3:30pm - 在公猪站执行一个培训计划后对员工能力的影响,梅根.虎德,雷克斯兽医研究与咨询

4:00pm - 打造学习型组织,养猪企业数字化学习探索,谭辉,PTT 养猪学习院

4:30pm - 问答


开幕式 8:30am-9:00am(多功能厅,一楼)


欢迎词:哈维.查尔斯,明尼苏达大学国际项目副校长 (5 分钟)

致辞:中国农业大学领导致辞(5 分钟)

致辞:西安市人民政府领导致辞,(3 分钟)


大会主论坛 9:00am-Noon(多功能厅,一楼)

主持人:陈焕春, 约翰·迪恩

9:00am - 题目待定, 陈焕春院士,华中农业大学

9:30am - 养猪生产中的运营研究,  约翰.迪恩,明尼苏达大学

10:00am- 茶歇

10:30am-猪肉生产的关键绩效指标:国际比较, 李·舒尔茨,爱荷华州立大学

11:00am - 从一个健康视角看猪肉食品的演变, 范德祈,香港城市大学

11:30am - 问答

午餐 Noon-1:30pm(多功能厅, 三楼)

大会分论坛 1:30pm-3:00pm

分会1 - 生物安全(多功能C, 二楼)


1:30pm - 实施内部和外部生物安全措施,减少PRRSV爆发,并努力消除繁殖群中的病毒,马克·施瓦茨,明尼苏达大学

2:00pm - 生物安全审计的风险因素评估 - 王孝彬,托佩克 (中国)

2:30pm 猪场空气过滤系统的选择和运维,陈建峰, 独立养猪顾问

分会2 - 猪病诊断(201,二楼)


1:30pm - 疾病诊断在现代养猪的新视界,邱明堂,国立屏东科技大学

2:00pm - 猪群感染性疾病分子诊断的细节管理 - 樊福好,农业农村部种猪质量监督检验测试中心(广州)

2:30pm - 乳猪肺部病变评估和支原体与肺炎支原体的分子检测, 林昭男,国立屏东科技大学

分会3 - 成本控制(203,二楼)


1:30pm - 美国养猪生产经济学,李·舒尔茨,爱荷华州立大学

2:00pm - 兽医在养猪业低利润预期下降本增效的工作方法 - 王帅彪,丹俄国际

2:30pm - 低成本竞争下的猪场管理策略 - 肖非,泰昆集团

分会4 - 流行性腹泻PEDV(多功能D, 二楼)


1:30pm - 如何走出防疫误区, 实现PED有效控制, 冯力, 哈尔滨兽医研究所

2:00pm - PED 防控最新进展, 法比奥·万努奇明尼苏达大学  

2:30pm - 四周批模式PED紧急处置方案与效果评估, 陈来运,京基智农

分会5 - 圆环病毒PCV(204,二楼)


1:30pm - 控制PCV2 和PCV3 的免疫策略,  汤姆·佩茨尼克,ArkCare

2:00pm - 家庭农场猪圆环病毒II型感染减量化实践路径与效果评估殷华平,富之源集团

2:30pm - 我国猪圆环病毒的流行现状与临床诊断 李向东,扬州大学

茶歇,参观展览 3:00pm-3:30pm(多功能厅前厅,一楼)

铂金赞助商卫星会 3:30pm-4:30pm

默沙东动物保健(多功能C, 二楼)







铂金赞助商卫星会 4:30pm-5:30pm

宁波三生(多功能C, 二楼)



中国规模化猪场PRRS防控难点剖析与应对策略,李金龙 东北农业大学



晚宴 6:00pm-8:00pm(多功能厅,一楼)


大会主论坛 8:30am-12:00pm(多功能厅,一楼)

主持人:约翰·迪恩, 田克恭

8:30am破解养猪业难题猪蓝耳病检测与净化的技术之道, 田克恭,河南农业大学

9:00am母猪、产仔和哺乳期的成功管理, 马克·施瓦茨,明尼苏达大学

9:30am - 从ASF和PED防控谈养猪新技术进步的科学管理, 闫之春, 新希望六和

10:00am - 茶歇(多功能厅前厅,一楼)

10:30am - 从 PCV2 到 PCV3感觉我们以前走过这条路, 汤姆·佩茨尼克, ArkCare

11:00am  为了优化性能和最大化净收入,我们需要了解哪些关于能量的知识, 约翰·佩申斯,爱荷华州立大 

11:30am - 问答

午餐,参观展览 12:00pm-Noon(多功能厅, 三楼)

大会分论坛 1:30pm-3:30pm

分会6 - 非洲猪瘟(多功能C, 二楼)

主持人:仇华吉, 范德祈

1:30pm - 越南非洲猪瘟疫苗开发综述,Le Van Phan, 越南国家农业大学

2:00pm - 低致病率非洲猪瘟病毒的监测与防控,  仇华吉,哈尔滨兽医研究所

2:30pm - 重新思考相互关联世界中的 ASF 防控方法,


3:00pm - 问答与讨 

分会7 - 豆粕的使用(201, 二楼)

主持人:约翰·佩申斯, 朱正鹏

1:30pm - 低豆粕母猪日粮技术的应用, 许啸,武汉轻工大学

2:00pm - 在实用日粮中多用或少用豆粕--利弊如何?,约翰·佩申斯,爱荷华州立大学

2:30pm - 猪日粮中的低蛋白-一个个人观点,李牧, 正大集团

3:00pm - 猪饲料应用低蛋白低豆粕日粮的关键技术,朱正鹏, 广西越秀农牧食品

分会8 - 蓝耳病防控(多功能D, 二楼)

主持人:钱平, 马克·施瓦茨

1:30pm - 聚落式规模场后备引种蓝耳驯化与防控与净化措施 - 钱平,华中农业大学

2:00pm - PRRSV:风险因素、知识差距和防控管理策略, 马克·施瓦茨,明尼苏达大学

2:30pm - 蓝耳防控和稳定场建立的实践,程珂,广西农垦

3:00pm - 自繁自养场后备母猪的蓝耳防控,王伟松, 南京农业大学

分会9 - 猪场管理(204, 二楼)

主持人:约翰·迪恩, 刘向东

1:30pm - 智能化养殖技术在猪场的应用与推广,刘向东,华中农业大学

2:00pm - 我们如何利用进化生物学来了解母猪死亡率, 约翰·迪恩,明尼苏达大学

2:30pm -  轻资产项目中的经济决策模型, 陈芳洲,武汉华多

3:00pm -通过健康管理实现造肉成本的显著优化,刘自逵,湖南农业大学

茶歇,参观展览 3:30pm-3:45pm(多功能厅前厅,一楼)

专家论坛和闭会-所有报告嘉宾 3:45pm—4:30pm

October 20thFriday


Exhibition starts, on-site registration, poster set up.

Pre-conference  8:30am-noon

1.Next Generation swine veterinarian and Morrison Science in Practice Award(Sponsored by Muyuan Food)(Multi-function C, second floor)

Chair:Frank Liu, Zhen Yang

2. Infectious disease and control(Supported by Boehringer Ingelheim) (201, second floor)

Chair:Keshan Zhang

9:00am Purification of pseudorabies, Deli Xia, Muyuan Foods

9:30am Comparative analysis of seneca and foot-and-mouth disease, Keshan Zhang, Foshan Institute of Science and Technology

10:00am - Break

10:30am - Case study of PRRS eradication in newly built pig farms, Chaosi Li, Boehringer Ingelheim

11:00am - PRRS vaccination status, influencing factors and field evaluation in large-scale pig farms,Shubo Li, Agricultural Development Service Center of Liaoning Province

11:30am - Q&A

3. Feed Management (Supported by Elanco)(203, second floor)

Chair:Ling Liu , Arkin Wu

9:00am - What to Expect from a Field Swine Nutritionist? Arkin Wu, Pipestone veterinary clinic

9:30am - Technology and application for improving feed protein utilization,  Ling Liu, China Agricultural University

10:00am  -  Break

10:30am - Non-grain feed resources mining and efficient utilization technology, Anshan Shan, Northeast Agricultural University

11:00am - Fatty acid balance and its impact on sows and piglets,Zhixiang Wang, Henan Agricultural University

11:30am - Q&A

4.Farm Manager Forum(Sponsored by Sinovet) (204, second floor)

Chair:Tom Petznick , Xiangyang Qu

9:00am The key points of environmental control that farm managers and veterinarians should understand, Xiangyang Qu, Dr. Vet veterinary service

9:30am - Throughput and the importance of piglet health at weaning ,Tom Petznick, ArkCare

10:00am - Break

10:30am - Prevention and control of PRRS and swine influenza in pig farms and immunization strategy,Wei Lu,Sinovet

11:00am - Application of four-color management and precise culling technology in health management of boar studs, Bingzhou Zhang, Kingkey Smart

11:30am - Q&A

5. Leman China Leader  Summit (byinvitation)(Multi-function D, second floor)

Chair:Jason Yan


· Consumer education and marketing

· Limits to cost control

· Maintaining and expanding pork demand

Pre-conference  1:30pm-5:00pm

6.Pig Mortality(Supportedby ZoetisChina) (Multi-function C, second floor)

Chair:John Deen, Yunxiang Zhao

1:30pm - Increase in sow mortality and what causes them?John Deen, University of Minnesota

2:00pm - The industry value and six-factor system of improving the utilization life of sows,Yunxiang Zhao, Guangxi University

2:30pm - Economic value and field application of effective prevention and control of porcine circovirus and Mycoplasma pneumoniae,Qunshan Hu, Zoetis China

3:00pm - Break

3:30pm - New and emerging diseases of swine,Wayne Johnson,Enable AgTech

4:00pm - The economics of mortality – with a look at decision tools to help improve it, Lee Schulz, Iowa State University

4:30pm - Q&A 

7. Pig Nutrition(Sponsored by dsm-firmenich) (201, second floor)

Chair: Junjun Wang, John Patience

1:30pm - Practical barn strategies to improve feed intake immediately post weaning, John Patience, Iowa State University

2:00pm - The occurrence and development of intestinal inflammation in piglets and nutritional intervention,Junjun Wang, China Agricultural University

2:30pm - Establishment and practice of dynamic formulation system,Zhibo Zhang, dsm-firmenich

3:00pm - Break

3:30pm - Key nutrition and feeding of growing pigs,Yonggang Zhang, Huanshan Group

4:00pm - Implementing the sow feeding program to help the farm increase efficiency and reduce costs, Ning Lu, PIC (China)

4:30pm - Q&A

8. Management Practice in Multi-story Pig Farms (203, second floor)

Chair:Haifeng Wang, Shaoqin Wu

1:30pm - Exploration and application of intelligent pig production in Muyuan,Yiyong Hu, Muyuan Foods

2:00pm -Comparison of the causes of sow mortality in high-rise pig farms and flat-floor pig farms,Shaoqin Wu, Kingkey Smart

2:30pm - Utilize the feature of multi-story characteristics of buildings to rationally arrange the company’s pig production,Haifeng Wang, Jiangsu Lihua

3:00pm - Break

3:30pm - Application practice of precision nutrition technology in multi-level pig farm,Kuanmin Yang, KingKey Smart

4:00pm - Practice of disease control in Yangxiang’s multi-level intelligent pig farms, Weichao Zhang, Guangxi Yangxiang

4:30pm - Q&A

9. Pig Industry Talent Strategy and Training Forum(204, second floor)

Chair:Chongxing Ji, Zhen Yang,

1:30pm - Discussion on talent training mode of intensive pig farming enterprises,  Chongxing Ji, New Hope Liuhe

2:00pm - Pig veterinary personnel training practice based on professional ability,Zhen Yang, Nanjing Agricultural University

2:30pm - Survey of senior and middle managers on pig farms about their opinions on training,Yibo Zhao, DanAg International

3:00pm - Break

3:30pm - Competency impact after initiating a training program in boar stud, Megan Hood, Reicks Veterinary Research and Consulting

4:00pm - Building a learning organization, exploring digital learning in pig production industry,Hui Tan, Practical Technical Training

4:30pm - Q&A

October 21stSaturday

Opening Ceremony  8:30am-9:00am (Multi-functional hall, first floor)

Chair: Frank Liu

Welcome address, Dr. Harvey Charles, Vice Provost for International Program,University of Minnesota (5 minutes)

Remarks, Senior leader, China Agricultural University (5 minutes)

Remarks, Senior leader, Xi'an Municipal People's Government (3 minutes)

Award Ceremony, Morrison Science in Practice Award and Excellent Student Poster Award

Main forum of the conference  9:00am-Noon (Multi-functional hall, first floor)

Chair: Huanchun Chen, John Deen

9:00am - Title TBD, Huanchun Chen, Academician, Huazhong Agricultural University

9:30am - Operational research in pig production, JohnDeen, University of Minnesota


10:30am-Key Performance Indicators in pork production: An international comparison,Lee Schulz, Iowa State University

11:00am -Pork food system evolution from a One Health perspective,  Dirk Pfeiffer, City University of Hong Kong

11:30am -Q&A

Lunch  Noon-1:30pm(Multi-functional hall, third floor)


Breakout 1 - Biosecurity(Multi-function C, second floor)

Chair:Mark Schwartz

1:30pm - Implementing internal and external biosecurity practices to reduce PRRSV outbreaks and work toward elimination of virus from the breeding herd,Mark Schwartz, University of Minnesota

2:00pm - Risk factor assessment for biosafety audit,Xiaobin Wang, Topigs Norsvin

2:30pm Selection, operation and maintenance of pig farm air filtration systems,Jianfeng Chen, Independent pig consultant

Breakout 2 - Diagnostics of pig Diseases(201, second floor)

Chair: Fuhao Fan

1:30pm - Envisioning the future of disease diagnosis in modern swine production,Ming-Tang Chiou, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology 

2:00pm - Detailed management of molecular diagnosis of infectious pig diseases, Fuhao Fan,Breeding Pig Quality Inspection Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

2:30pm - Lung lesion evaluation and molecular detection of Mycoplasma hyorhinis and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in suckling pigs, Chao-Nan Lin, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

Breakout 3 - Cost control(203, second floor)

Chair: Lee Schulz

1:30pm - The economics of pork production in the United State,

Lee Schulz, Iowa State University

2:00pm - Approaches towards cost reduction and efficiency increase in anticipation of a low profit environments, Bill Wang, DanAg International

2:30pm - Pig farm management strategy under low-cost competition,Fei Xiao, Taikun Group

Breakout 4– PEDV(Multi-function D, second floor)

Chair:Li Feng

1:30pm - How to get out of the misunderstandings of disease prevention and realize the effective control of PED,  Li Feng, Harbin Veterinary Research Institute

2:00pm - PED updates,Fabio Vannucci, University of Minnesota (prerecorded)

2:30pm - Four-week batch mode PED emergency treatment plan and effectiveness evaluation,  Laiyun Chen, Kingkey Smart

Breakout 5– PCV(204, second floor)

Chair: Tom Petznik

1:30pm - Vaccination strategies to control PCV2 and PCV3,Tom Petznik,  ArkCare

2:00pm - Practical path and effect evaluation of porcine circovirus type II infection reduction in family farms,Huaping Yin, Fuzhiyuan Group

2:30pm - Current epidemiology and clinical diagnosis of porcine circovirus in China, Xiangdong Li, Yangzhou University

Break  3:00pm-3:30pm(Front hall of multi-purpose hall, first  floor)

Platinum Sponsor Satellite Conference  3:30pm-4:30pm

MSD(Multi-function C, 2nd floor)

1. Porcine infectious pleuropneumonia: from molecular to clinical,Chao-Nan Lin, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

2. 360 prevention and control plan for breast transmission,  Di Gao, MSD

Uben(204, second floor)

PRRS early warning and emergency  preparedness, Fuxiang Zhao, Uben

Ningbo Second Hormone Factory(201, second floor)

eproductive hormones help pig farms reduce costs and increase efficiency,Yushuai Han, Ningbo Second Hormone Factory

Platinum Sponsor Satellite Conference  4:30pm-5:30pm

Ningbo Sansheng(Multi-functional C, 2nd floor)

New progress in applied research on reproductive management technology,Fang Ye, Ningbo Sansheng

China Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd.(204, second floor)

Analysis and countermeasures of PRRS prevention and control difficulties in large-scale pig farms in ChinaJinlong Li,  Northeast Agricultural University

Shenlian(201, second floor)

Research progress on a new generation of foot-and-mouth disease vaccine, Bo Yin, Shenlian Biotechnology

Dinner  6:00pm-8:00pm(Multi-functional hall, first floor)

October 22nd Sunday

Main forum of the conference  8:30am-12:00pm(Multi-functional hall, first floor)

Chair: John Deen, Kegong Tian

8:30amSolving the problems in the pig industry - technical methods for preventing, controlling, and eradicating PRRS, Kegong Tian, Henan Agricultural University

9:00amManaging for a successful outcome: The sow, her litter and the lactation period, Mark Schwartz, University of Minnesota

9:30am -Discussing the scientific management of new pig breeding technology progress from the perspective of ASF and PED prevention and control,Jason Yan, New Hope Liuhe

10:00am -Break

10:30am - From PCV2 to PCV3: It feels like we have been down this road before, Tom Petznick,ArkCare

11:00am  What we need to know about energy to optimize performance and maximize net revenue,John Patience, Iowa State University

11:30am - Q&A

Lunch  12:00pm-Noon (Multi-functional hall, third floor)


Breakouts 6 – African swine fever(Multi-function C, second floor)

Chair: Huaji Qiu, Dirk Pfeiffer

1:30pm - Overview of ASF Vaccine Development in Vietnam,  Le Van Phan, Vietnam National University of Agriculture

2:00pm - Surveillance and control of African swine fever virus with low pathogenicity rate, Huaji Qiu, Harbin Veterinary Research Institute

2:30pm - Rethinking ASF prevention and control approaches in a connected world, DirkPfeiffer, City University of Hong Kong

3:00pm - Q&A

Breakouts 7 – Use of soybean meal(201, second floor)

Chair: John Patience,Zhengpeng Zhu

1:30pm -Application of low soybean meal diet technology for sows,Xiao Xu, Wuhan Polytechnic University

2:00pm - Maximizing or minimizing soybean meal in practical diets - what are the pros and cons, John Patience, Iowa State University

2:30pm - The low protein in swine diets - a personal perspective, Mu Li, CP Group

3:00pm - The application and practice of low-protein soybean meal diet, Zhengpeng Zhu, Guangzhou Yuexiu Husbandry and Food

Breakouts 8 - PRRS control(Multi-function D, second floor)

Chair: Ping Qian, Mark Schwartz

1:30pm - Acclamation strategy and control and eradication of PRRS in gilts in colony-scale farms, Ping Qian, Huazhong Agricultural University

2:00pm - PRRSV: Risk factors, knowledge gaps and management strategies for prevention and control, Mark Schwartz, University of Minnesota

2:30pm - Practices of PRRS prevention and control and the establishment of stable farms, Ke Cheng, Guangxi Nong Ken

3:00pm - Prevention and control of PRRS in gilts in self-breeding farms, Weisong Wang, Nanjing Agricultural University

Breakouts 9 – Farm management(204, second floor)

Chair: John Deen, Xiangdong Liu

1:30pm - Application and promotion of intelligent production technology in pig farms,Xiangdong Liu, Huazhong Agricultural University

2:00pm - How do we use evolutionary biology to understand sow mortality,John Deen, University of Minnesota 

2:30pm -Economic decision-making model in light asset projects, Fangzhou Chen, Wuhan Hua Duo

3:00pm -Significant optimization of meat production cost through health management, Zikui Liu, Hunan Agricultural University

Break  3:30pm-3:45pm (Front hall of multi-purpose hall, first floor)

Q&A and Conclusions - All Speakers 3:45pm -4:30pm (Multi-function C, second floor)





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